Officiel synopsis för Breaking Dawn + HQ bilder
Nu har Summit Entertainment släppt den officiella synopsisen för Breaking Dawn, alltså en sammanfattning av handlingen, och som pricken över i:et så har flera bilder från filmen släppts i HQ kvalitét.
The highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, directed by Academy Award® winner Bill Condon, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1 reveals the mysteries of this romantic epic that has entranced millions.
In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson), plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child… which brings an unforeseen and shocking development for Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner).
With more of the romance, passion, intrigue and action that made Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse worldwide blockbusters, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, based on Stephenie Meyer’s bestselling book series, begins the conclusion of the tale of vampire love, boundless friendship, acceptance, and finding your true self.
Stephenie Meyer is a worldwide publishing phenomenon. The translation rights for her four Twilight novels have been sold in nearly 50 countries and 116 million copies have been sold worldwide. Her books have been on the bestseller list for over 142 weeks, and counting.
The first of a two-part adaptation, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 is directed by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, Gods and Monsters) from a screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg, based on the novel Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner star.
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Inspelningen av SWATH
Nu har det släppts lite nya bilder från inspelningsplatsen för Snow White and the Huntsman, och visst ser det ut att kunna bli en riktig toppen film?
Nytt Abduction klipp!
Ny intervju från TV Movie - Tyskland

Finally! The wedding bells are ringing for Hollywood's dream couple. For now, though, only in cinemas: In the first part of the "Twilight" showdown (part 2 starts in 2012) Kristen as a beautiful mortal, and Rob as a sexy vampire pledge their troth either to other. And: For the first time there are some really hot bed scenes! We met the young stars for an interview at San Diego's ComicCon.
TV Movie: Be honest: Was the film sex difficult for you?
Rob: Oh yes! I felt really uncomfortable.
TV Movie: Too many people on set?
Rob: No, a fear had rather something to do with Taylor and his fantastic body. Jacob, as a werwolf, has bared all already in the last two films. And to be honest, I can't keep up with him.
TV Movie: The fans will be pleased with the new passion nevertheless...
Kristen: After for year it's about time! (laughs)
Rob: They're very emotional scenes. For the first time I felt like a human, not like a vampire.
TV Movie: What do you think of Bella's wedding dress?
Kristen: I love it! It's old fashioned, though, but that's exactly what I like.
TV Movie: Would you wear such a dress on your own wedding?
Kristen: No, no. But it fits for Bella, and that's most important.
TV Movie: Do you believe in marriage?
Kristen: I like the thought of two people staying together for the rest of their lives. For me, however, this doesn't need to be sealed with signatures.
TV Movie: How would you describe the first part of "Breaking Dawn"?
Kristen: Mature is the right word. This time it's not about fighting, but the fact that we start a family.
TV Movie: The film is also very dark...
Kristen: That's right. Bella keeps saying that she would die for a life with Edward. In the movie she shows how seriously she takes it.
TV Movie: Is Edward the great hero like everyone thinks?
Rob: For me he's never been the great hero. Edward isn't interested in the rest of the world at all. Just at the end.
TV Movie: With the birth of his vampire daughter...
Rob: Exactly. The moment when the baby comes into world, he no longer thinks only of himself.
TV Movie: Part 2 is filmed already, the Twilight saga is over. What does it feel like?
Rob: I'm a bit paranoid and think after every film "That was my last one..."
TV Movie: What will you miss the most?
Kristen: I've been living in a different world for 4 years and I really liked it there (laughs). I'll miss everything.
Rob: Same for me. Especially the last day was a shock. I've never wanted to think about the end, and then it was suddenly there. Now we have to live with it.

Ny Abducation poster!
Ny BD merchandise
Golden Link Europe har publicerat en bild på hur en del Breaking Dawn merchandise kommer att se ut, dessa prylar kommer säljas i butik snart, och det är bara att hoppas att de kommer att finnas även i Sverige.
Jag skulle göra vad som helst för att få tag i dessa...

Nya BD bilder
Nu har det gått på tok för lång tid sedan vi updaterade här sist, men nu under sommarlovet har jag haft fullt upp hela dagarna, och inte alls tänkt på datorn, men nu när skolan är igång igen så lovar jag att komma igång igen.
Nu när jag är tillbaka så passar det vväl alldeles utmärkt med några nya stillbilder från Breaking Dawn, samt några från bakom kulisserna. Det är dessa bilder som gör att man längtar 10 gånger mer tills November!
Klicka på dom för att få dem i större format.