
"The host" har fått sin huvudperson!

Stephenie Meyers bok "the host" utan för twilight sagan har det varit mycket snack om nu att det ska bli en film och nu Saoirse Ronan offcielt fått rollen som huvudkaraktären Melanie Stryder. Jag ser jättemycket fram emot filmen och jag håller på att läsa boken för andra gången nu på engelska! Om ni inte läst den borde ni göra det, det är en science fiction bok för dem som inte gillar science fiction, som Stephenie beskriver den själv! :)

Bilden är kopierad från twilightsweden.

2011-05-06 @ 16:22:53 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

BD castet säger hejdå till Baton Rouge


2011-02-17 @ 12:28:00 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Nya Xavier Samuel bilder från "A few best men"

Så snygg han är!

2011-02-04 @ 22:37:29 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Michael Welch twittrar om BD

2011-01-23 @ 11:33:20 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Twitter i mängder

Det låter som vårat favorit cast i alla fall har roligt under inspelningarna och även utanför

2011-01-16 @ 14:32:42 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Bryce Dallas Howard för Kate Spade!

Bryce Dallas Howard som spelade Victoria i Eclipse kommer att vara "Kate Spdes" nya ansikte. Hon kommer stå i centrum för deras vår och höst 2011 kampanj.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no—it’s Bryce Dallas Howard for Kate Spade! The fiery haired Spider-Manactress takes center stage in the brand’s new spring and fall 2011 ad campaign—and the resulting images are bursting with colorful effervescence. As Kate Spade’s very first celebrity ambassador, President and Chief Creative Officer Deborah Lloyd says the real-life brand loyalist was a natural choice. “Bryce is playful, gorgeous and multi-talented. She embraces and embodies the spirit of our brand,” she said in a release. “The moment she puts our clothes on they come to life in a new, spirited way.” Shot by famed fashion photographer Norman Jean Roy in a loft space in Brooklyn, the images are so bright, airy and fun, they practically scream, “Spring is here!” Wait…It’s only January? A girl can dream, can’t she?
2011-01-05 @ 18:34:54 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Tinsel Korey twittarar en bild*RECzux7xGPKZL1J0vLO8NLLlecax/TinselTwitterPemberton.JPG

Ååh va fin!

2011-01-03 @ 11:47:54 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Robert Pattinson's "Remember Me" och Kristen Stewart's "The Runaways" förbises i 2010

Robert Pattinson's drama Remember Me noterades i, LA Times och för de mest underskattade, under uppskattat och bra filmer du missat under 2010.
Kristen Stewarts rock biopic The Runaways noterades i de mest förbisedda filmerna under 2010 Cinemablend.

Massively Underrated: Youth in Revolt / Remember Me
Youth in Revolt was an innovative comedy, but it was released during a time period where people skip the theatrical experience. And if Remember Me had featured Ryan Gosling instead of Robert Pattinson it would have been correctly hailed as great. But people got far too caught up in the ending and Pattinson’s celebrity to catch that he was really freaking good in this movie. Definitely worth a watch if you you’re a fan of relationship dramas.

From Cinemablend:

The Runaways
When I reviewed the movie back in March I called Kristen Stewart a modern James Dean. I’m standing by that. If you’ve only seen her in Twilight, you’ve probably assumed the worst about the future vampire bride, but in The Runaways Stewart is stupendous as real life, fem rocker Joan Jett. The rest of the movie around her, isn’t bad either. It’s a real, seedy, drug-infested, sex-soaked rise to rock and roll fame tale, except all the rockers just happen to be girls. The film focuses primarily on the story of Runaways front girl Cherie Currie (Dakota Fanning) as she’s indoctrinated into the rock and roll lifestyle, then sexed up to sell records by the zany, scene-stealing Michael Shannon as manager Ken Fowler. But it’s Stewart Joan Jett who will really capture your attention, and she ends up carrying the movie. Stewart’s Joan lives and breathes guitar licks, as the true talent behind the music. The rock and roll scenes are toe-tapping fun and the tale of an all girl band manufactured, unleashed, and then run aground is as interesting and fucked up as it ought to be. You’d think any movie starring Kristen Stewart would be an instant sensation, yet somehow her Twilight fandom never really seemed to notice she was in it. Maybe it was the film’s hard R-rating which scared the overly chase Twilight crowd away. Whatever the reason, while the movie earned positive reviews, once it was released no one seemed to notice.


2010-12-26 @ 23:10:19 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Rob, Kristen & Mackenzie bowlar?

Enligt rykten så sägs det att Kristen och Robert tagit med Mackenzie för att bowla i Baton Rouge förra lördagen.


2010-12-26 @ 12:42:46 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Look a like
Den här killen är en av dem nyfödda han är ju som en kopia av Xavier!
Här är Xavier, visst är dem lika skriv vad ni tycker! :)
2010-12-23 @ 13:59:09 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Ty Olsson blir Bellas styvpappa i BD

Som vi redan visste sedan tidigare så kommer Ty Olsson att vara med i Breaking Dawn, dock visste vi inte vilken roll han skulle spela då.  Nu har Summit bekräftat att han kommer spela Bellas styvpappa Phil Dwyer, som spelades av Matt Bushell i Twilight.

Nästan precis som jag tycker att han borde se ut... nästan.
2010-12-17 @ 15:56:42 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Peter Facinelli på The Blue Valentines premiär

Den 7:e december såg man Peter Facinelli (Carlisle) på "The blue valentines" efterfest och premiär!

2010-12-09 @ 14:38:43 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Anne Hathaway nämner Robsten!

Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllehaal were joined by an impressive list of Aussie celebs at the Love & Other Drugs premiere last night in Sydney. The giddy crowd at George Street Cinemas squealed with excitement when they spotted the glamourous couple. Anne said that whenever she needed an ego boost she was going to have an Australian premiere.
The pair were introduced as the “hottest young couple in Hollywood” and Anne joked that when she heard that she thought they were going to introduce Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!


2010-12-07 @ 20:25:35 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

HQ scans på Ashley från Cosmopolitan

Jag vet att jag skriver det här under princip varenda bild av henne, men hon är så himla vacker att man bara måste göra det!

2010-12-04 @ 20:13:16 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Jackssons webbdagbok på MTV

Jacksson Rathbone (Jasper) kommer att starta en egen webbdagbok på MTV,och detta pratar han om i videon.
Jag kommer absolut kolla på programmet, gud vad kul att få följa hans liv! :D

"The next few months are jam-packed for “Twilight” star Jackson Rathbone. Not only is he filming the final installment of everyone’s favorite vampire film franchise in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but his bandmates from 100 Monkeys are down there with him, working on their upcoming album and performing fun-filled shows."

Via BreakingDawnMovie

2010-11-20 @ 17:21:53 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Kella Lutz på Men Of The Year Party!

Click to view full size imageKlicka för stor bild
Klicka för stor bildKlicka för stor bild
Klicka för stor bildKlicka för stor bild
2010-11-18 @ 17:53:46 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Robert, Kristen och Mackenzie!

Som dem flesta vet vid det här laget så ska ju Mackenzie Foy spela Renesmee Bella och Edwards dotter i BD. Här kommer lite bilder på Robert, Kristen och Mackenzie. Själv tycker jag att dem är sjukt lika!
2010-11-18 @ 17:14:11 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Rösta på Kristen & Taylor som Homecomming King & Queen!

"It's homecoming time everyone! All around the country, teenagers are smearing on too much make-up and jumping into ill-fitting suits to take part in that great fall tradition that separates the cool kids from the weirdos. One of those cool kids is Dakota Fanning, who was crowned her high school's homecoming queen last weekend. Congrats Dakota; we're thrilled! But we also have to ask: Did you have any real competition? It's just that there probably aren't any other gals in her high school who are HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STARS.

All of this got us wondering, what if there was a homecoming for all of young Hollywood? Would Dakota win? Hell, would she even make it onto the ballot?

We put together our own homecoming ballot of pop culture superstars and Dakota didn't make the cut. Want to know who did? Click below to find out and to vote on who should be crowned king and queen. We added a few other categories to determine who should chaperon the soiree and what the all-important hors d'ouerves should be.

Begin stuffing the ballots immediately. Voting will close tomorrow at 10 p.m. E.T.
And remember: under NO circumstances should you drink the punch.

För att rösta på Kristen och Taylor, klicka här!
Kom igen, de behöver era röster, just nu ligger de båda på andra plats bara!

King Nominerade killarna!

Queen Nominerade tjejerna!


2010-11-17 @ 15:27:30 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Ashley Greene pratar om Breaking Dawn


2010-11-15 @ 17:14:08 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Robsten nominerade i UK Richard Attenbrough film awards!

Oxford Mail (UK): The Richard Attenborough Film Awards (RAFAS), the UK’s annual regional Film Of The Year awards – the film industry’s celebration of the year’s top films and movie stars as voted for by regional newspaper film critics and cinemagoers alike.

The Richard Attenborough Film Awards (RAFAS), the UK’s annual regional Film Of The Year awards – the film industry’s celebration of the year’s top films and movie stars as voted for by regional newspaper film critics and cinemagoers alike.

Simply vote for your favourite actress and favourite actor in the ballots below. The actress or actor with the most votes overall will be crowned Film Star of 2010. Voting closes at noon on Monday December 6, with the winner announced on Monday December 13.


Which actress do you think gave the best performance of the year in 2010?

Angelina Jolie
Noomi Rapace
Julia Roberts
Kristen Stewart
Gemma Arterton

Which actor do you think gave the best performance of the year in 2010?

Leonardo DiCaprio
George Clooney
Jesse Eisenberg
Robert Pattinson
Robert Downey Jr

Film Star of 2010 – Actress

Kristen Stewart in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Film Star of 2010 – Actor

Robert Pattinson in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Rösta HÄR!


2010-11-14 @ 14:06:36 Permalink Skådespelarna Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

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