Intervju med Jodelle!

Här nedan kan ni läsa en intervju med Jodelle Ferland (Bree Tanner), från när hon nyligen var på en The Twilight Saga: Eclipse signering. Hon intervjuas av Salt Lake Magazine, och hon pratar om bla. Twilight, och även några av hennes andra filmer. Det är en väldigt bra/rolig intervju, värd att läsa!

BH: “How has your life changed since Eclipse?”

JF: “Well, my life has changed quite a bit, and in a lot of ways it stays the same. I’m still just, you know, a normal girl who enjoys hanging out with friends doing regular things. But, I mean I wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Twilight. I’ve been doing all sorts of conventions, meeting a lot of fans. It’s just so much fun.”

BH: “Do you have any memorable moments from being on Eclipse?”

JF: “Well, I think honestly the whole movie was pretty memorable. Actually, I did have my 15th birthday on set, so that was pretty cool.”

BH: “Did you get a cake?”

JF: “Yeah I did. I had a birthday cake on set. And I mean that is pretty much every girls dream to have,” she smiles and laughs, “a birthday party on the set of Twilight. I was so happy that I got to do that. That was really fun.”

BH: “What about working with Jeff Bridges and Terry Gilliam on Tideland? How was that?

JF: “Oh that was awesome. I had a blast on Tideland. It was quite a long time ago by now actually,” she laughs, “I was nine years old when I did it. I turned 10 in the middle of filming that.”

BH: “Do you spend most of your birthdays on set?”

JF: “I do actually.”

BH: “That must be hard. Are you away from your family a lot?”

JF: “Well, my mom always comes with me. Because I have to have a parent or guardian on my films, so she has to come with me anyways. So, I’m never completely alone. I mean especially at nine years old when I was filming Tideland. I couldn’t be just going off on my own,” she laughs, “you know sitting in a room ordering room service. It wouldn’t work out too well.”

BH: “Has it ever been too much trying to balance school, acting and everything else?”

JF: “Well, it’s pretty difficult, but I do manage, just barely. I’m homeschooled, and it’s an online schooling program. And on set when I’m filming, I have to have a tutor at all times. It’s the law. And, so at least when I’m filming I have a tutor so that I can keep going with my schooling even when I’m on set. But, it can get pretty difficult to do both and still find time for other things.”

BH: “What do you like to do for fun?”

JF: “Well, I love to read. I’m a major bookworm. And I also love painting and drawing. Artistic-type things.”

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